Management Consultancy

Organizations are facing diverse set of challenges, especially operating in geo-political and macro-economic business environments. FASE management consultants can assist small to medium companies in accomplishing smooth transitions between markets in Italy and the UAE, implementing cost-effective strategies, and innovative business solutions.
Strategy, growth, and innovationFASE’s “hands on” approach guarantees growth and development in every aspect of management. Combining theory and practice, we provide cutting edge consultancy services to guide our clients in setting strategic directions, implementing innovative plans of action, and stabilizing growth amid competitive market environments to promote sustainability.
Organization and turnaround
FASE has strong background in change management, process re-engineering, and organization redesign across different industries. We help clients design effective plans for successful market integration given the differences in dynamics between markets of Italy and the UAE. We provide full-on support in organizational projects, promising fast and reliable results.
Marketing e-channel, and sales managementWe provide marketing support by linking clients to key persons in the business within Italy and the UAE, and by discovering and implementing effective sales tools. We have demonstrated experience in market research, defining accurate market segmentations, and assessing potential marketability of different services in line with client vision.
SustainabilityWe recognize the importance of corporate social responsibility as an integral part of a company’s success. FASE provides key insights in the development of CSR projects, even guiding clients towards evaluation and reports after actual project implementations. We provide clients with knowledge and direction to create projects relevant to their goals.