Energy Industry

The energy industry is continuously facing rapid changes brought about by several factors – the interminable increase in renewable energy use, price competition, changes in production costs, management, and the development of Shale gas in the United States, among many unpredictable others.
FASE believes that industry must keep up with the pace, striving to strike a social economic balance among different energy players, while decentralizing systems giving way to a more democratized paradigm.
Rapid digital technology development also impacts the industry, ushering in incredible transformation of cities, and changes in the entire energy system.
Strategy, growth, and innovationWe provide assistance to major electricity transmission operators, energy and gas distribution companies, and the like in different business processes, especially concerning crucial transitions towards integration to new markets. We help create strong and innovative infrastructures for potential business operators and investors in the field of energy.

With the impact of digital innovation in the energy industry, FASE remains to be versatile in its services, combining decades of practice and excellent adaptability to new winning technologies.

We take part in crucial pre-acquisition of businesses in the energy industry by performing due diligences process, writing business proposals, and creating effective presentations.
Organization and turnaround
FASE provides support in different organizational process of energy groups wanting to restructure or implement reorganization projects. We also assist in unbundling processes of clients, simplifying complex organizational structures, and the like.
Marketing e-channel, and sales management
The competitive industry demands for clear and sharp marketing techniques and sales tools to bolster business opportunities. FASE provides assistance in this area, allowing for new and existing energy players to strategically position themselves in the market by defining market segmentations, in line with client identity and goals. We are experts in assessing the market potential of different products and services to reduce risks and ensure profitability, especially in the highly competitive energy industry.
SustainabilityDifferent businesses in the energy industry have implemented corporate social responsibility projects to promote sustainability. FASE provides full-on support for companies to create positive impact financially, environmentally, and socially. Our approach allows for clients to achieve their potential in implementing sustainability models by empowering them with knowledge and direction, sensitive to client culture and societal demands.